Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Real life Thumbelina ...
Five-year-old Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley suffers from a rare condition that makes her look like a doll that's come to life. Here's her website

Even though lively Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley is almost four years old, she is so tiny she can be bathed in the bathroom basin. Weighing a tiny 5kg, Kenadie is the same size as a newborn baby and no bigger than the family's pet cat. It's taken some adjustment for Kenadie's loving mum Brianne, 26, and dad Courtney, 29, to accept their daughter will never grow up to be big and strong like other children her age, but they have come to adore their special little angel. She's a living, breathing Thumbelina — a perfect miniature standing just 66cm tall with tiny shell-like hands and delicate baby fingers.

"When people see her running about and laughing, they can't believe it," says Brianne. "They're fascinated. They think she's like a little doll come to life." When she goes shopping with her mum, people stare in wonder and try to touch her, she's become the star in her hometown.

Fortunately, Kenadie's a happy outgoing girl, so most of the time she doesn't mind the attention, but occasionally she does find it a bit overwhelming. "Sometimes she goes to daycare and all the other children want to play with her," explains her mum. "They start calling out as soon as we walk in, but they tower above her — some are two or three times her size — and at times she can find it all a bit too much."

Kenadie was born with a rare genetic condition known as primordial dwarfism, which causes growth to be stunted from conception. Such children grow very slowly until their mid-teens, but look like miniature people because their bodies remain within normal proportions...

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