Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What is my Fairy Name?


My kids asked me the other day, "Mom, What is a Fairy?"
Well, a fairy is usually depicted in children's stories as a small being that is human in form. This is not to be confused with the modern day use of the word to describe an openly homosexual man!). In children's story books, fairies are drawn as small, pretty little boys or girls (usually girls) in shimmery dresses with small wings.

The average height of a fairy is around 1 metre (or 3 feet tall). He or she is playful and have magical powers. Although fairies are usually portrayed as kind and benevolent, there are stories in which fairies are shown to be malevolent and bent on mischief. Most of the fairy folklore that we come across originated in Europe and the United Kingdom.

What is my Fairy Name?
It seems that everyone has a fairy name. What's yours?

Your fairy is called Berry Elftree
She is a cheerful sprite.
She lives in fruit orchards and vineyards.
She is only seen when the first leaves fall from the trees.
She wears red, cerise and purple berry colours. She has delicate green wings like a cicada.